How to clear terminal's shell buffer in Mac OS X
To clear your terminal's shell buffer in Mac OS X, you can use COMMAND + K
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How to clear terminal's shell buffer in Mac OS X
To clear your terminal's shell buffer in Mac OS X, you can use COMMAND + K
Copy the output from Mac OSX Terminal to clipboard
To copy the output in Mac OSX Terminal to clipboard, you can use the the command pbcopy
# date | pbcopy
The paste it into your favorite editor.
Simple Text To Speech in Mac OSX
It is easy to invoke the internal Mac OSX Text To Speech engine using command in Terminal.
# say "Hello World"
It is all you need.
Opens the current folder in Finder in Mac OSX Terminal
Assume you are currently in folder /tmp/ in Terminal, and you want open this folder in Finder, you can type the following command:
# cd /tmp/
# open .