Grep a text from a specific file extension
Suppose you want to grep a specific code from files with a specific file extension, you can try
# grep -r --include \*.php 'error_log(' .
Linux Ask! is a Q & A web site specific for Linux related questions. Questions are collected, answered and audited by experienced Linux users.
Grep a text from a specific file extension
Suppose you want to grep a specific code from files with a specific file extension, you can try
# grep -r --include \*.php 'error_log(' .
How to tail a remote file over ssh
If you want to tail a remote file over ssh, you can use
# ssh -t remote-server "tail -f /var/log/log.txt"
Writing more robust shell script
You should always start your bash shell script with the line set -eu
The meaning is:
How to list system installed locales
You can list all system's currently installed locales via the command: locale -a
Mass resolve ip to hostname
If you have a list of IPs and need to resolve to the hostname(via reverse DNS lookup), you can use the following command:
cat ip_addresses.txt | xargs -n 1 -P 100 -i dig -x {} +short