How to remove installed package using RPM?
To remove installed package using rpm, use the following command
e.g. remove Firefox
rpm -e firefox
To remove multiple packages, try
rpm -e firefox gedit
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How to remove installed package using RPM?
To remove installed package using rpm, use the following command
e.g. remove Firefox
rpm -e firefox
To remove multiple packages, try
rpm -e firefox gedit
How to install bulk packages using yum with groupinstall?
Sometimes, if you forgot to select "Development Tools" during Fedora/CentOS installations, you can add them later by using one command
yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
Which save you a lot of times from installing the needed packages one by one.
To see what options are available for groupinstall, try
yum grouplist
How to extract RPM package without installing it
Assume you have foo.rpm, type the following command to extract the rpm's contents
rpm2cpio foo.rpm | cpio -idmv
How to check if a rpm package is already installed?
To query if a package is installed, e.g.
rpm -q httpd
To display package information, e.g.
rpm -qi httpd
How to compile APC module for PHP
The following steps works in RHEL/CentOS
1. Download the latest APC from PECL
2. Extract the APC source package and compile/install it
tar -xvf APC
cd APC-X.X.X (replace with your downloaded version)
make && make install
3. Enable APC in PHP configuration
echo "" > /etc/php.d/apc.ini
4. Restart the httpd and use phpinfo() to verify if APC is running