Add a User in Linux
Add a User in Linux, just use the useradd command:
# sudo useradd -d /home/john -m john
The above command will create the user john and create a home directory which is at /home/john
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Add a User in Linux
Add a User in Linux, just use the useradd command:
# sudo useradd -d /home/john -m john
The above command will create the user john and create a home directory which is at /home/john
Install multiple software at the same time using apt-get
It is easy to use apt-get to install multiple softwares at the same time, without executing commands one by one.
# sudo apt-get install curl wget lynx elinks
Update the Package Index in Ubuntu
In Ubuntu, the package index is managed by the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT).
The index of all the available packages from the repositories is defined in the file /etc/apt/sources.list file.
To update this package index, use the following command.
# sudo apt-get update
That is it.
Remove packages and config files in Ubuntu
If you want to remove a package in Ubuntu, you can use apt-get remove, e.g.
# sudo apt-get remove php5
However, the config files will NOT be removed.
To remove the config files also, you can use apt-get purge, e.g.
# sudo apt-get purge php5
Check which Apache modules are loaded
To check which Apache modules are loaded, in RHEL/Fedora/CentOS, type
# httpd -M
In Debian/Ubuntu
# sudo apache2ctl -M