Linux Ask!

Linux Ask! is a Q & A web site specific for Linux related questions. Questions are collected, answered and audited by experienced Linux users.

Jan 012010

Turn off PHP error messages?


In a production server, you should always turn off PHP error messages to be displayed for public, to do so, edit the php.ini


vi /etc/php.ini

And turn off display_errors

display_errors = Off

Jan 012010

How to perform checksum on a file?


You can use the md5sum or shasum commands.


#md5sum test.txt

f1d41356dcabb8d8acefed069b22b0da  test.txt
#shasum test.txt

809970aec0109c5464dd36a3a9a5a9e79f838313  test.txt

md5sum is faster if you perform the command on a very large file, but shasum is more secure since the chance of two different files have the same checksum is smaller.


Dec 252009

Should I use Telnet and FTP for remote access?


In a word, No.

The problem with Telnet, FTP, and other non-encrypted protocols is that everything is sent across the network as plain text. This means that someone running a sniffing program on the network, which is very simple under many circumstances, can see all of your traffic - including your login and password.

Consider replacing Telnet and FTP with SSh.
