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Apr 212010

Add a user that can gain root privileges in Ubuntu


You have created a user, and now you want to make this user (e.g. peter as an example) can gain root privileges.

Firstly, check your /etc/sudoers file

# sudo cat /etc/sudoers

You might found the following lines

# Members of the admin group may gain root privileges
%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
john ALL=(ALL) ALL

Method 1

If you have the line %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL, then you can add the user (e.g peter) to the admin group using the command:

# sudo usermod -g admin peter

Method 2

Or you can edit the file /etc/sudoers to add your account manually

# sudo visudo

Append peter ALL=(ALL) ALL at the end..

%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
john ALL=(ALL) ALL
peter ALL=(ALL) ALL

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